Three Top Tips for Customer Service in E-commerce

AFM Picking and packing serviceOur Three Top Tips for Customer Service in E-commerce

First and foremost sort the problem out rather than worry who was at fault. The main priority here is to keep the customer happy and keep on learning about how you can improve your service. Never focus on blame always focus on resolution.

Partner with your clients and suppliers, making their business objectives – your business objectives. This helps to build long-term relationships in the export industry and is much more likely to result in new business via recommendations, which is everyone’s favourite way to earn new business. Any successful partnership requires give and take from both sides so be prepared to be flexible, support your partners when the chips are down and they will reward you with their loyalty.

Go out of your way to get it right first time, that way problems don’t happen. If a mistake is made, fix it and then work out why it happened and make changes to stop it from happening again. In effect customer service in an E-commerce environment is not especially different to customer service in a high street retail environment. Perhaps the only difference is that both good news and bad news travels quicker in e-commerce and so you have to be constantly on top of your game.

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